The Centre's Yearbook
Émigré Voices. Conversations with Jewish Refugees
from Germany and Austria
ed. by Bea Lewkowicz
and Anthony Grenville, vol. 21 (2021)
The titles listed below are available through booksellers or direct from the publisher(s) indicated.
Innocence and Experience. Childhood and the Refugees from Nazism to Britain
edited by Charmian Brinson and Anna Nyburg
ISBN 978 1 800799 493 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024)
Working for the War Effort. German-Speaking Refugees in British Propaganda during the Second World War
by Charmian Brinson and Richard Dove
ISBN 978 1 912676 69 9 (London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2021)
'Mapping Finchleystrasse: Mitteleuropa in North West London'
by Rachel Dickson and Sarah MacDougall
ISBN 978 94 6166 324 5 (Louvain: Leuven UP, 2020 / jstor.org)
The Clothes on our Backs. How Refugees from Nazism Revitalised the British Fashion Trade
by Anna Nyburg
ISBN 978 101 2676 37 8 (London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2020)
The Dynamics of Forced Female Migration from Czechoslovakia to Britain, 1938-1950
by Jana Barbora Buresova
ISBN 978 1 78874 446 1 (Berne: Peter Lang, 2019)
Der Ritt über'n Bodensee: Erinnerungen einer Schauspielerin von Lily Kann
edited and introduced by Charmian Brinson and Richard Dove
ISBN 978 3 0343 2593 6 (Berne: Peter Lang, 2017)
Re-Educating German Prisoners of War after WWII
edited and introduced by Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 0 9571763 3 1 (Weston-super-Mare: Anglo-German Family History Society, 2018)
Jüdische Literatur in Österreich nach Waldheim
by Andrea Reiter
ISBN 978 3 7003 2067 8 (Vienna: New Academic Press, 2018)
Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960
by Richard Dove
ISBN 978 1 781884 73 7 (Cambridge: Legenda, 2017)
Voices from Exile. Essays in Memory of Hamish Ritchie
edited by Ian Wallace
ISBN 978 9 00429 638 1 (Leiden: Brill | Rodopi, 2015)
Breaking the Silence. Voices of the British Children of Refugees from Nazism
by Merilyn Moos
ISBN 978 1 78348 295 5 (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015)
Escaping the Crooked Cross. Internment Correspondence between Paul and Charlotte Bondy during the Second World War
edited by Jo Bondy and Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 178035 775 1 (Fast Print Publishing; 2014)
A Matter of Intelligence. MI5 and the Surveillance of Anti-Nazi Refugees, 1933-50
by Charmian Brinson and Richard Dove
ISBN 978 0 7190 9079 0 (Manchester: Manchester UP; 2014)
Politics By Other Means: The Free German League of Culture in London 1939-1946
by Charmian Brinson and Richard Dove
ISBN 978 0 85303 862 7 (London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2010)
Out of Austria. The Austrian Centre in London in World War II
by Marietta Bearman, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville and Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 1 84511 475 6 (London: I.B. Tauris; 2007)
Wien - London Hin und Retour: Das Austrian Centre in London 1939 bis 1947
by Marietta Bearman, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville and Jennifer Taylor
German translation by Miha Tavcar
ISBN 978 3 7076 0165 7 (Vienna: Czernin; 2004)
Changing Countries: The Experience and Achievement of German-speaking Exiles from Hitler in Britain from 1933 to Today
edited by Marian Malet and Anthony Grenville
ISBN 978 1 870352 61 1 (London: Libris; 2002)
'Keine Klage über England?' Deutsche und österreichische Exilerfahrungen in Großbritannien 1933-1945
edited by Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville, Marian Malet and Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 0 85457 188 8 / 978 3 89129 040 8 (London: IGS / Munich: iudicium; 1998)
The Strange Case of Dora Fabian and Mathilde Wurm. A Study of German Political Exiles in London during the 1930s
by Charmian Brinson
ISBN 978 0 85457 181 9 / 978 3 906756 27 1 (London: IGS / Berne: Peter Lang; 1996)
'England? Aber, wo liegt es?' Deutsche und österreichische Emigranten in Großbritannien 1933-1945
edited by Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Marian Malet and Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 0 85457 177 2 / 978 3 89129 263 1 (London: IGS / Munich: iudicium; 1996)
Between Two Languages. German-Speaking Exiles in Great Britain 1933-1945
edited by William Abbey, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Marian Malet and Jennifer Taylor
ISBN 978 0 85457 169 7 / 978 3 88099 312 9 (London: IGS / Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz; 1995)