Useful CCWW (French) Links
Academic and Other Sites focusing on French and Francophone Literatures
Website arising from L’Autofiction conference at Cérisy-la-Salle, July 2008.
Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir
Fondé en 1982 par Carole Roussopoulos, Delphine Seyrig et Ioana Wieder, le Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir a pour mission de recenser tous les documents audiovisuels sur les droits, les luttes, l'art et la création des femmes, de les faire connaître et de les distribuer. Also includes recorded lectures at the Institut Emilie du Châtelet, including Françoise Héritier, Julia Kristeva, Nicole Pellegrin, and interviews filmed for Genrimages.
La Société Marguerite Duras
La Société Marguerite Duras, qui a été fondé en janvier 1997 et qui a bénéficié du soutien du service culturel de l’Ambassade de France à Londres, a pour but l’étude et la promotion de l’oeuvre de Marguerite Duras.
French Studies Library Web
Linked to the French Studies Library Group, which promotes the responsible collection and dissemination of French printed and electronic resources, in libraries and other associated institutions. The site includes a short-focused hyperlinked list of web ‘starting points’ for French and Francophone studies.
Limag (Littératures du Maghreb)
An extensive site focusing on Maghrebi writing. Highlights include a database of theses in this field, which can be reached via the hyperlink to CICLIM (Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines). Calls for papers also feature.
Lire les femmes écrivains et les literatures africaines
Cinquante comptes-rendus d’ouvrages écrits par des romancières évoquant l’Afrique peuvent être consultés sur ce site.
Academic Sites with Resources Relating to French Women Authors
Littérature orale et écrit des îliens
Part of the Lehman College site/City University of New York (CUNY). Gives alphabetical index of ‘island’ writing. Provides a short biography and bibliography of primary and secondary works for each author and audio texts for some writers. Contemporary women writers featured include Suzanne Dracius
A Celebration of Women Writers
Part of the University of Pennsylvania’s Digital Library projects. Celebrates women’s writing and tries to bring texts by women authors back into the public domain, although tends to focus more on historical texts. Allows users to search by ‘Name, Date, Country, and Ethnicity Information’.
Literary Prizes
Prix Littéraires
Gives a brief introduction to the major French literary prizes and allows for a detailed search of prize-winners 1998-2004