María Reimóndez was born in Lugo (Galicia) in 1975 and received her PhD in translation and interpreting from the Universidade de Vigo. Reimóndez’s prolific and multifaceted career as a poet, novelist, translator, interpreter, scholar, journalist and activist has earned her much acclaim and a place of distinction in contemporary Galician literature. Regardless of the genre or target audience, Reimóndez’s works address a wide range of pressing issues, among them, intimate partner violence, climate change, language, illness and disability, feminism, LGBTQ identities, colonialism and imperialism, and gender norms. Underpinning her literary, scholarly and activist pursuits is an interest in decolonial transfeminist thought.

María Reimóndez
María Reimóndez, 2016 (Montserrat Boix via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Since the release of her first poetry collection, Moda galega (2002), María Reimóndez has published more than 30 works of poetry, narrative fiction and essays. In addition to the debut collection, her poetic works include kleinigkeiten/cousiñas (2013), Presente continuo (2013), Moda galega reloaded (2014), and Galicia en bus (2018), which obtained the Premio de Poesía Johán Carballeira. Her novels include well-known titles such as O club da calceta (2006) and Dende o conflito (2014), both of which were awarded the Premio Xerais, as well as En vías de extinción (2012), A música dos seres vivos (2015), A dúbida (2016), As cousas que non queremos oír (2017), and As estacións do lobo (2019). Her climate-fiction novel Cobiza (2021) was awarded the first Premio Pinto e Maragoto for its representation of sexual and gender diversity, and was followed by the publication of its sequel, Multitudes (2023). Reimóndez has also made considerable contributions to young adult and children’s literature in the Galician language as both a writer and translator. Among the many titles that she has authored are Usha (2006), winner of the Premio Merlín; Corredora (2017); Fóra do normal (2018), winner of the Premio Agustín Fernández Paz; Bárbaras. Unha achega desenfadada á menstruación para adolescentes divers@s (e non tanto) (2021); and Furia (2023), which was awarded the Premio Jules Verne de literatura infantil (2023). In the essay genre, she is the author of A alternativa está aquí (2014) and Corpos exorbitantes. Rosalía de Castro, tradutora feminista, en diálogo con Erín Moure (2017), which was awarded the Premio Xohana Torres. The volume Feminismos (2013), co-edited with Olga Castro, won the Premio Fervenzas Literarias. Reimóndez’s works also appear in numerous literary collections and anthologies.

In addition to her own literary production, María Reimóndez is the translator of numerous texts from the English, German and Spanish into Galician. She has translated works by authors such as Angela Carter, Elizabeth Gaskell, Zitkala-Ša, Salma, Rotraut Susanne Berner, Helme Heine, Lann Hornscheidt, and Elena Poniatowska, among others. Her translation of African-American writer Harriet E. Wilson’s Our Nig (1859) earned the Premio Follas Novas do Libro Galego (2021). She is also the founder of the non-profit organization Implicadas no Desenvolvemento, which seeks to empower and sustain communities of women in the Global South. As part of that work, Reimóndez has collaborated with artists all over the world on the creation of literary and audiovisual works that establish a dialogue between creatives in Galicia, India, Ethiopia, Tamil Nadu. 

María Reimóndez is also the founder of A Sega, an online platform for feminist criticism. Her journalistic works have regularly appeared in numerous Galician-language news outlets, most recently through her recurring opinion column in Nós Diario. Her scholarly works have been published in academic journals, such as the International Journal of Iberian Studies, Galicia 21, and Interventions, as well as in volumes such as The Companion to Galician Culture (2014, ed. Helena Miguélez-Carballeira), Feminist Translation Studies (2017, eds. Olga Castro & Emek Ergun), and Gender, Displacement, and Cultural Networks of Galicia: 1800s to Present (eds. Obdulia Castro, Diego Baena, María A. Rey López, & Miriam Sánchez Moreiras). 

Compiled by Danny Barreto (New York)



Moda galega (Santiago: Positivas, 2002)

kleinigkeiten/cousiñas (A Coruña: Fabulatorio, 2013)

Moda galega reloaded (Santiago: Positivas, 2014)

Presente continuo (Vigo: Xerais, 2013)

Galicia en bus (Vigo: Xerais, 2018)


O caderno de bitácora. Aventuras espaciais (Santiago: Positivas, 2004)

O club da calceta (Vigo: Xerais, 2006)

Pirata (Vigo: Xerais, 2009)

En vías de extinción (Vigo: Xerais: 2012)

Dende o conflito (Vigo: Xerais: 2014)

A música dos seres vivos (Vigo: Xerais, 2015)

A dúbida (Vigo: Xerais, 2016)

A esencia da cidade (Vigo: Xerais, 2016)

As cousas que non queremos oír (Vigo: Xerais, 2017)

As estacións do lobo (Vigo: Xerais, 2019)

Cobiza (Vigo: Xerais, 2021)

Multitudes (Vigo: Xerais, 2023)

Young Adult and Children’s Literature

Usha (Vigo: Xerais, 2006) [Illustrations by Iván Sende]

O can trampulleiro (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

Colegas do futuro (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

Misterio no Deza (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

O trasno burlón (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

Unha viaxe no tempo (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

A videoconsola (A Coruña: Everest Galicia, 2007)

Lía e as zapatillas de deporte (Vigo: Xerais, 2008)

O monstro das palabras (Vigo: Xerais, 2009) [Illustrations by Iván Sende]

Volvo! O regreso de Usha (Vigo: Xerais, 2014) [Illustrations by Iván Sende]

Corredora (Vigo: Xerais, 2017)

Fóra do normal (Vigo: Xerais, 2018), [Illustrations by Antonio Seijas]

A formiga destemida (Vigo: Xerais, 2020) [Illustrations by Iván Sende]

O meu avó e o Queixo (Santiago: Alvarellos Editora, 2020) [Illustrations by Vanesa Álvarez]

Bárbaras. Unha achega desenfadada á menstruación para adolescentes divers@s (e non tanto) (Vigo: Xerais, 2021)

Furia (Vigo: Xerais, 2023)


A alternativa está aquí (Vigo: Xerais, 2014)

Corpos exorbitantes. Rosalía de Castro, tradutora feminista, en diálogo con Erín Moure (Santiago: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2017)

A semente, a árbore, a froita. Ana Pontón en conversa con María Reimóndez (Vigo: Xerais, 2020)

Translations into Foreign Languages


Le Club du tricot [Translation of O club da calceta by Vincent Ozanam] (Saint-Just-sur-Viaur: Solanhets, 2016)


Il club della calzetta [Translation of O club da calceta by Attilio Castellucci] (Milan: Gran Vía, 2007)

Pirata [Translation of Pirata by Attilio Castellucci] (Perugia : Edizioni dell'Urogallo, 2013)


El club de la calceta [Translation O club da calceta by María José Vázquez Paz] (Sevilla: Algaida, 2008)

La duda [Translation of A dúbida by the author] (Madrid: Flores Raras, 2017)

En peligro de extinción [Translation of En vías de extinción by the author] (A Coruña: KNS, 2014)

Codicia [Translation of Cobiza by the author] (Madrid: Dos Bigotes, 2022)


Barreto, Danny: ‘Archivos multimedia de afectos cuir en la literatura gallega: del silencio a la performance, de la tristeza a la felicidad’ in Extremas: figuras de la felicidad y la furia en la producción cultural ibérica y latinoamericana del siglo XXI ed. by Roland Spiller, Aránzazu Calderón Puerta, Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019)

Boguszewicz, Maria: ‘La lengua del silencio: A música dos seres vivos de María Reimóndez’ (Itinerarios, 2020, pp. 209-228)

Castellucci, Attilio: ‘A dicotomía da personaxe de Read en Pirata de María Reimóndez’ in Fuera de lugar: Cuerpos (in)tangibles en las culturas minorizadas de la península Ibérica ed. by Magdalena Anna Gajewska, Aitor Arruza Zuazo and Ana Garrido González (Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2022)

Lema París, Ánxela and Andrea Nunes Brións [eds]: Tecermos redes, crearamos comunidade: estudos sobre a obra de María Reimóndez (Vigo: Xerais, 2020)

Martínez-Quiroga, Pilar: ‘City and Community in María Reimóndez’s O club de calceta’ in Toward a Multicultural Configuration of Spain: Local Cities, Global Spaces ed. by Ana Corbalán and Ellen Mayock (Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2015)

Moszczyńska-Dürst, Katarzyna: ‘¿Tejedoras o asesinas? Machismo, violencia y regeneración en O club da calceta de María Reimóndez’ (Letras femeninas, 2017, pp.118-133)

—: ‘Vidas precarias e corpos vulnerábeis en Cobiza (2021) de María Reimóndez’ (Madrygal, 2022, pp. 79-92)

Palacios, Manuela. ‘Translation in the Feminine: Theory, Commitment and (Good) Practice’ (Women’s Studies International Forum, 2014, pp. 87-93)

Interviews/in the Media

Cibreiro, Estrella: ‘Entrevistas a María Reimóndez, Rosa Montero y Julia Otxoa: el arte de la escritura y el activismo’ (Romance Studies, 2016, pp. 43-63)

Gimeno Ugalde, Esther: ‘Autotraducción, (in)visibilización y poder: entrevista a María Reimóndez, escritora, traductora y activista gallega’ (ConSecuencias, 2022, pp. 108-117)