Library and E-Resources
The ILAS Library and its staff moved into the Senate House Library in August 2009. The library collections have been reclassified according to the Library of Congress classification scheme and integrated with the Senate House Latin American and Caribbean Studies collection, thus creating a new Senate House Library Latin American and Caribbean Studies Collection which combines the holdings and strengths of both the ILAS and SHL collections to provide over 90,000 volumes of research level material.
The combined holdings cover most aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean, the geographical area covered including all the territories of Central and South America as well as the islands of the Caribbean (including the English-, Dutch- and French-speaking communities), the islands of the South Atlantic (the Falklands/Malvinas and South Georgia), the Galapagos Islands and the Antarctic territories administered by Chile and Argentina. The collection maintains the strengths of the ILAS Library (founded in 1965) together with those of the Senate House collection.
The strengths of the combined collections lie in their emphasis on material in the humanities and related social sciences: history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, gender studies combined with an emphasis on literature and areas such as film and documentaries from or on Latin American and the Caribbean.
Much of the material is unique and has been sourced directly from the countries of origin. There is therefore a high proportion of non-English language material: Spanish, Portuguese and French.
For enquiries about our collections, please contact our librarian Julio Cazzasa
Most of the collection is loanable and available on open access, on the 6th floor of Senate House Library. Other material is held in the closed stack and basement of SHL and in our offsite storage facility. Additional material is also held within SHL Special Collections eg Goldsmiths Kress.
The old ‘ISA’ Teaching collection is located on the 6th floor at the start of the collection sequence. It may not be borrowed, but it is available to all Library users for Reference Only use within the Library.
Photocopying facilities are available.
Special collections
Special collections/special materials include:
The Political Archives Collection which was donated to the Institute by the Contemporary Archive on Latin America .It consists of 90 boxes of pamphlets, posters, reports, miscellaneous journals and some ephemera, produced by political parties, pressure groups, NGOs, trade unions and governments, predominantly in Spanish and Portuguese, with some English language material. Every country in the region is represented, but there is a particularly rich collection of Chilean material. Items were catalogued as part of a joint project with the Institute of Commonwealth Studies (completed 2005) see .The collection has been enhanced by Professor James Dunkerley’s donation of 11 boxes of material from Bolivia.
The BOLSA Collection - the library of the Director, of the Bank of London & South America Ltd., and consists of about 250 volumes, primarily of Latin American travel and histories.
The collection has not yet been processed, but a handlist is available here.
The Cuban Drama collection -part of the Jan Shepherd bequest, this collection consists of about 100 volumes of texts and critical works dating from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Items have been separately catalogued and classified and are on the library catalogue.
The CIIR Archive - a selection of the archive of the Catholic Institute for International Relations (now Progressio) - an international development charity.
The Leslie Sklair Collection - a donation of both monographs and archives relating to the maquiladoras on the Mexican-U.S. border.
The Film and Documentary Collection includes the Nissa Torrents video archive and microMACRO video collection plus a wide range of feature films and documentaries. Acquisitions are now mainly in DVD format together with library tapings. There are about 800 items in total.
The collection has been enhanced by the donation in 2012 of the Canning House Film Collection (some 400+ items).
Other materials include the personal regional collections of academics
eg the Henry Finch Uruguay collection and the Victor Bulmer-Thomas Central America collections. The Victor Bulmer-Thomas Central America collection is being processed, but not all of it has been catalogued as yet: a very basic handlist is available here to help you locate items which have not yet been catalogued.
The Henry Finch Uruguay collection has not yet been catalogued: a handlist is available here
The library also contains special materials such as the BBC & Reuters Latin America News Archives, and a recent donation by Dr Robert Howes, consisting of political ephemera he collected relating to the elections for the National Congress and the State Assemblies held on 15 November 1986 in the States if Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. These materials are awaiting processing.
Most material is available via the library catalogue, but please contact the librarian for further information.
N.B. there are holdings of Latin American and Caribbean interest in a variety of Special Collections that are not specifically Latin American or Caribbean Special Collections, for example:
Goldsmiths’ Collection: early travel accounts, slavery and economic literature before 1850
Porteus Library: some material on the slave trade, travel and topography, mainly late 18th C - early 19th C.
Special Collections Latin American Studies (shelved at Special Coll. LA in Historic Collections):
c. 300 items (dating from 17th C.) covering a range of geographical areas and subject fields e.g. travel, slavery, history, art, literature
MSS: Prof. Robert Arthur Humphreys (1907-1999):papers relating to the teaching of Latin American history (4 boxes)
Studies databases
SHL has subscriptions to these essential Latin American Studies databases:
HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index)
PRISMA (Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas) – a full text database
Latin Americanists also benefit from the wider range of electronic databases provided by Senate House Libraries, access to many of which is available offsite.
Digital Collections
Digital Collections in National Libraries and Archives
Library of Congress
Library of Congress digital collections This hosts the Library of Congress Handbook of Latin American Studies online, provides an overview of recent scholarship in the field, but not digital sources themselves:
Biblioteca Nacional España
It has an excellent collection of printed and archival sources including some related to Latin America:
Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES)
Large collection of digitised documents from public archives throughout Spain, including the Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla, and Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid:
University collections
The Latin American Network Resources Center (LANIC) at the University of Texas is no longer maintained, but nevertheless has lists of archives, libraries, periodicals and resources for particular subjects throughout the sub-continent. It is therefore still a useful website:
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
It has 6 million documents online that can be searched by format, theme and geographical area:
Political Database of the Americas
Georgetown University, Center for Latin American Studies, hosts the Political Database of the Americas which provides information about institutions and political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region:
Excellent portal providing open access to journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean. Run by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México:
Library consortia collections
UNESCO Global Open Access Portal
The UNESCO Global Open Access Portal has an extensive section on Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a portal to other portals for journals, digital repositories and theses produced in the region since the 1990s:
Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP)
The Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) is a consortium of research libraries that seeks to increase free and open access to information in support of learning and scholarship in Latin American Studies:
Digital Library of the Caribbean
The Digital Library of the Caribbean is an excellent portal to a wide range of resources drawn from a variety of partners in the Caribbean, such as libraries, NGOs, newspapers, etc. Searchable by topic and place:
A bibliographic database and digital library providing full access to a collection of serial titles, relating to Brazil. The access to both serial titles and articles is available via indexes and search forms:
French Portal to electronic resources in the humanities and social sciences: books from L’institut français d’études andines:
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is an indispensable collection of digitised books that can be downloaded. Texts are generally searchable and the collection is regularly updated: It now provides access to the digital sources at the Universidad de Sevilla:
Biblioteca Virtual de Miguel de Cervantes
Portal to classical works in the Spanish language:
Red Iberoamericana
A Spanish portal to scientific journals and articles, with some related to Latin America and the Caribbean:
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
Dissertation Reviews
With a section dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean:
Collections of Images
The John Carter Brown Library has an excellent collection of books and high-quality images, especially relating to early America. These can be downloaded and used in publications free of charge:
Wellcome Collection
Wellcome Collection has a collection of online images and books, not only on medicine. Images are high quality and can be used free of charge: