LIA Events

04 July 2013, 10:00 - 05 July 2013, 17:00. University of Leicester
"Liberalism in the Americas: Popular, Gendered and Global Perspectives"
Dr Gabriel Paquette (Johns Hopkins University)
02 May 2013, 5.30-7.00pm. Venue: G22-26, Senate House, London
"Republicans, Liberals and Constitutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America."
Prof. Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University)
06 June 2012, 1.00-5.00pm. 261, Senate House, London
“Economic Liberalism in the Americas”
Participants included: Dr Helga Baitenmann (Associate Fellow, ISA), Dr Alejandra Irigoin (LSE), Prof. Colin Lewis (LSE), Mr Tom Cutterham (St Hugh's College, Oxford), Prof. Rosemary Thorp (Latin American Centre, Oxford), Prof. Paul Gootenberg (SUNY), Prof. Alan Knight (St Anthony's College, Oxford).
This event was generously sponsored by the Economic History Society and the Society for Latin American Studies.
18 April 2012, 1.00-5.00pm. 103, Senate House, London
“Liberalism and Religion: Secularisation and the Public Sphere in the Americas”
21 March 2012, 1.00-5.00pm. Court Room, Senate House, London
“Liberal Constitutionalism in the Americas: Theory and Practice”
Participants included: Prof. Kenneth Maxwell (Visiting Professor, Harvard University), Dr Max Edling (Loughborough), Dr Natalia Sobrevilla Perea (Kent), Dr Marta Irurozqui (CSIC), Tom Cutterham (St Hugh's College, Oxford), Dr Adrian Pearce (KCL), Dr Gabriel Negretto (CIDE), Dr Erik Mathisen (Portsmouth).
10 February 2012
"Liberalism, Monarchy and Empire: Ambiguous Relationships."
Participants included: Dr Matthew Brown (Bristol University), Prof. Anthony McFarlane (University of Warwick), Dr Erika Pani (El Colegio de México), Dr Philip Kaisary (University of Warwick), Prof. Alan Knight (St Antony's College, Oxford), Prof. Rebecca Earle (University of Warwick).
6 June 2012
"Freedom to Trade, Free Trade, and Laissez-Faire: Latin American Approaches to Economic Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century,"
Prof. Victor Bulmer-Thomas (ISA, Visiting Professor)
18 April 2012
"Revolutionary Religion? Liberalism and Catholicism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico,"
Dr Matthew Butler (University of Texas, Austin)
21 March 2012
"Liberties and Empires: Writing Constitutions in the Atlantic World, 1776-1848."
Prof. Linda Colley (Princeton University)
10 February 2012
"The Enigma of Liberalism in Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889."
Dr Roderick Barman (University of British Columbia)
05 December 2011
"Liberalism in Argentina and Mexico: Nineteenth-Century Perspectives."
Prof. David Rock (University of California, Santa Barbara)
01 November 2011
“The Development of Laicism in Argentina 1810-1827: The Case of Juan C. Lafinur."
Prof. Klaus Gallo (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires)
31 October 2011
"The Liberal Traditions in the Americas."
Prof. Gregory J. Grandin (New York University)
31 October 2011
"Liberalism in the Americas: What is to be done?"
Participants included: Prof. Alan Knight (St Anthony’s College, Oxford), Prof. Klaus Gallo (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires), Dr Natalia Sobrevilla Perea (University of Kent), Prof. James Dunkerley (Queen Mary, University of London), Prof. Colin Lewis (London School of Economics), Dr Joanna Cohen (Queen Mary, University of London); Prof. Greg Grandin (New York University); Prof. Linda Colley (Princeton University); Prof. David Rock (University of California, Santa Barbara).