Georgetown, Guyana: statue of queen Victoria standing of the the high court of Guyana, 2010. 


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This section of the collections features a range of historic, administrative, legal and policy-oriented materials pertaining to the colonial British West Indies. It also features several sources on contemporary French Antillean 'Departments', the Dutch Antilles, Puerto Rico and British Overseas Territories. 

Key catalogue subject themes: Great Britain Colonies West Indies West Indies British History ; West Indies French History ; Puerto Rico Relations United States ; Netherlands Colonies America

Colonial Reports

Senate House Library and IALS hold an assortment of annual report records for the former British West Indian territories published by the British Colonial Office. They are described as ‘Annual reports of the social and economic progress of the people’ of each territory. IALS also holds numerous Colonial Office country reports. An assortment of other colonial reports from various parliamentary commissions also feature.

N.B. several territories' reports are housed in multiple locations. Where a country has two or more hyperlinks following its name, this is the case. 

Colonial Office Reports

Country Reports

Calendar of State Papers

Misc. British Government Commissions and Reports

British West Indies 

British Honduras / Belize


Guiana / Guyana


Colonial Politics and Governance

The collections boast a wealth of studies and primary sources on the governance and political organisation of West Indies throughout the British Colonial period. 

Misc. BWI Politics and Government Sources

Colonial Administrators and Public Servants

The libraries feature a small body of materials on the lives and histories of colonial officials and public servants from across the British West Indies and non-Anglophone territories. 

The Ralph Millner Papers

  • The papers of Ralph Millner, an English lawyer working in Guyana. Former president of the Senate of British Guiana.

Papers include: Publications by the People's Progressive Party; handwritten legal notes; legal ordinances relating to British Guiana; correspondence w/ Cheddi Jagan; numerous Guyanese newspapers c1961

Administrators and Public Servants

Contemporary Colonies and Overseas Territories

French Antillean Départements

Netherlands Antilles

British Overseas Territories

Puerto Rico