The Plantation Caribbean: Slave Trading, Plantation Life, Indenture and Abolition

Works on the slave trade, plantation slavery, the abolition of slave trading, the dynamics of plantation Life, indenture and abolition each feature prominently in the collections. Special strengths include original archival papers by numerous plantation owners and administrators, as well materials from trading companies and interest groups operating in the region. There is also a small corpus of films, original seminar papers and works from Cuba and the Dutch Caribbean.
Key catalogue subject themes: Slaves Emancipation Caribbean Area History ; Caribbean Area History to 1810; Caribbean Area Slave Trade ; Caribbean Area Slavery ; Caribbean Area Slavery History ; Caribbean Area Slaves Emancipation ; Caribbean Area Slaves Emancipation History ; Slave Trade West Indies British History ; Indentured Servants Caribbean Area History ; Indentured Servants Guyana ; Indentured Servants Jamaica History ; Indentured Servants Trinidad And Tobago.
Enslavement and Plantations
The Simon Taylor Papers
- Simon Taylor: Planter born in Jamaica (1740-1813) probably the richest man in Jamaica in 1813 when died. Personal papers: letters between Simon, family, close friends on slave trading, the anti-slavery movement, the maroon and French wars, slave revolts, treatment of colonists by the British; as well as domestic matters - illness, family quarrels, disinheritance, bigamy births, deaths and marriages, debts and family quarrels; the effects of hurricanes, the introduction of a steam engine on an estate.
William Hewitt Papers
- Land owner and colonist (1719-1781). Once Commissioner for the Sale of Crown Lands in the Caribbean. Personal correspondence (1772-1781) re: land interests in Dominica, dealings with British merchants invested in the West Indies, financial papers re: his land and papers relating to slaves owned by him between 1768-1781; as well as surveys, maps etc.
Special Collections Slavery Subject Guide
- Senate house library special collections guide to numerous original archival sources pertaining to plantation owners, slave masters and slave traders in the West Indies.
The West India Planters and Merchants Committee
- Reports and legal claims for British exclusive sugar provision to UK [10 items]
West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands)
- Various Netherlands Antilles company sources from 17th and 18th centuries [8 items]
Colonial and Plantation Cuba
- Torrente, Mariano (1853) Memoria sobre la esclavitud en la isla de Cuba : con observaciones sobre los asertos de la prensa inglesa relativos al trafico de esclavos. [Memory on slavery in the island of Cuba: with observations on the assertions of the English press concerning the slave trade.]
- British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (1861) ’The Slave trade to Cuba, as set forth in an address to Marshal Espartéro on the 2nd March 1855, with additional facts to the present date’.
- Alexander Jones. (1851) Cuba in 1851: containing authentic statistics of the population, agriculture and commerce of the island for a series of years, with official and other documents in relation to the revolutionary movements of 1850 and 1851.
- María del Carmen Barcia (1987) Burguesía esclavista y abolición.
Literature and film
- Cirilo Villaverde (1839) Cecilia Valdés. [Novel about slavery, class, colour, illegitimacy and love in Cuba]
- Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (1992) La última cena / The last supper [videorecording] [Based on a novel by Moreno Fraginals, film about plantation life and moral problematics of slavery]
Abolition, Anti-Slavery and Emancipation
Goldsmiths’-Kress library
The G-K Library is a digitised online history archive. Onsite SHL access is available via the eduroam network; or offsite SHL login is required. It holds numerous abolitionist and antislavery materials – speeches, reports and proceedings - of which a number are listed below. The rest are available at
- A General view of the African slave-trade : demonstrating its injustice and impolicy : with hints towards a bill for its abolition. Delivered to Parliament. London, 1788.
- The speech of William Wilberforce, Esq, 13th of May, 1789, on the question of the abolition of the slave trade.
- House of Assembly of Jamaica (1816) bill introduced into the House of Commons for effectually preventing the unlawful importation of slaves, and holding free persons in slavery, in the British colonies
- An examination of the principles of the slave registry bill, and of the means of emancipation / by G. W. Jordon.
- An abstract of the laws of Jamaica relating to slaves: with the slave law at length : also, an appendix, containing an abstract of the acts of Parliament relating to the abolition of the slave-trade / by John Lunan. 1819
- Proceedings of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica (1823) In relation to those which took place in the British House of Commons, on the 15th of May last, in consequence of Mr. Buxton's motion for the gradual abolition of slavery throughout these colonies.
- The debates in Parliament (1833) on the resolutions and bill for the abolition of slavery in the British colonies
- Address to the public, on the present state of the question relative to Negro slavery, in the British Colonies.
- Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions (1828) ‘The new slave laws of Jamaica and St. Christopher's examined: with an especial reference to the eulogies recently pronounced upon them in Parliament’.
- A Full and corrected report of the proceedings at the anti-slavery meeting: held in Mount-Zion Chapel, Birmingham, for considering the propriety of petitioning the House of Commons, on the defeat of the Act for the abolition of colonial slavery, on Monday, February 1, 1836.
- Proceedings of the General Anti-Slavery Convention, London, from Friday, June 12th- 23rd, 1840.
- Address on slavery in Cuba / presented to the General Anti-Slavery Convention, by R.R. Madden. 1840
Leeds Anti-Slavery Series
- Leeds anti-slavery series (1853) ‘Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom: a series of anti-slavery tracts [reprints of no. 1-82] –
Emancipation Compensation Claims
- House of Commons Proceedings on 16 March 1838. ‘Accounts of slave compensation claims for the colonies of Jamaica, Antigua, Honduras, St. Christopher's Grenada, Dominica… etc
Slavery Abolition Act. Account of the averages of sales in the colonies affected by the Slave Abolition Act, upon which the sum of £20,000,000 was apportioned... 1837.
Should the holders of slave property receive compensation on the abolition of slavery? : A paper read before the Dublin Statistical Society on ... 20th December, 1852 / By James Haughton.
Compensation to slave owners fairly considered in an appeal to the common sense of the people of England / by Augustus Hardin Beaumont.
Three letters (one of which has appeared before) to the planters and slave-merchants principally on the subject of compensation / Thomas Clarkson.
A critical examination of the twelve resolutions of Mr. Joseph Hume : respecting the loan of fifteen millions for slave compensation... / by Richard Page.
The price of emancipation : slave-ownership, compensation and British society at the end of slavery / Nicholas Draper.
Reparations and Legacies of Enslavement
The UCL Legacies of British Slave Ownership Project offers a good context for understanding the afterlives of enslavement and the transatlantic slave trade.
Britain's black debt : reparations for Caribbean slavery and native genocide / Hilary Mcd. Beckles.
The transatlantic slave trade and slavery : new directions in teaching and learning / edited by Paul E. Lovejoy and Benjamin P. Bowser.
- At the limits of memory : legacies of slavery in the Francophone world / edited by Nicola Frith and Kate Hodgson.
Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen and Fred D'Aguiar : representations of slavery / Abigail Ward.
- [senate house only copy in UK] Mohapatra, Prabhu P. 2004 Immobilising labour: regulation of indentured labour in Assam and the British West Indies
ICOMM Publications
- [senate house only copy in UK] Tinker, Hugh. 1978 Sugar and servitude: the plantation between slavery and nationalization
- [senate house only copy in UK] Pieter Emmer 1980 New slave or protected labourer? : the importation of British Indians into Surinam (Dutch Guiana), 1873-1916
- [senate house only copy in UK] K O Laurence. 1995 The rise of opposition to indentured immigration in Trinidad and British Guiana, 1864-1914.
- [senate house only copy in UK] Verene A. Shepherd. 1988 Emancipation through servitude?: aspects of the condition of Indian women in Jamaica, 1845-1945.
- New slave or protected labourer? : the importation of British Indians into Surinam (Dutch Guiana), 1873-1916 / Pieter Emmer.
- Coolie woman : the odyssey of indenture / Gaiutra Bahadur.
- Indentured Servants Guyana History [5 items]
- Sookdeo, Neil A. 2000 Freedom, festivals and caste in Trinidad after slavery: a society in transition
- Samaroo (Ed) 1995 In celebration of 150 yrs. of the Indian contribution to Trinidad & Tobago.