The Caribbean Studies Collection


The Caribbean studies collections at the Institute of Historical Research, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Senate House libraries are some of the largest and most varied in the UK. They are transdisciplinary in scope, covering anthropology, archaeology, history, law, literature, social policy, sociology and political theory. Their main strengths relate to the former British West Indies, but rare materials from the Francophone/Kreyol, Hispanic and Dutch speaking Caribbean are important highlights.
This guide offers a concise introduction to the collections and some of their main strengths. It intends to be indicative of materials held in the collections rather than exhaustive.
The guide is organised under the following thematic headings for ease of navigation and use:
- The pre-Columbian and Early Colonial Caribbean
- The Plantation Caribbean
- Ordering the Colonial Caribbean
- Colonial, Post-Independence and Commonwealth Law
- Imagining Caribbean Freedoms
- Caribbean Cosmologies
- Key Thinkers: Caribbean Thought and Letters
- The Caribbean post/neo-Colony
- Interrogating Gender, Kinship and Sexuality
- ‘British Subjects’, Diasporic Caribbeans and ‘Black Britons’
With the following addenda:
The guide was created by Dr Adom Philogene Heron on behalf of the Centre for Integrated Caribbean Research and The Institute of Latin American Studies.
Worthy of special note are the various archives, subject guides, periodicals, seminar series' and theses that feature in the collections. Many include original sources that are entirely unique to the University of London.
Colonial, Post-independence and Commonwealth Law Guides
Colonial, Post-independence and Commonwealth Law Guides
IALS have rich subject guides for legal research on Jamaica and a host of Caribbean Commonwealth countries.
- Jamaica (incl. legislation, law reports, books, journals)
- Commonwealth constituencies legal guide
A host of newspapers, journals, lecture/seminar series papers and
podcasts focused on the Caribbean.
The CLR James Papers
Numerous original letters, personal papers, pamphlets and ephemera by James,
a renowned historian, political philosopher and once secretary of the West Indies
The Heisler Collection of Political Materials
A vast collection of 25,000 books, 20,000 pamphlets, 3,000 journal and newspaper
titles and a quantity of ephemera, relating to radical political movements and political
expression in the arts - including numerous Caribbean materials:
The Political Pamphlets Archive
An extensive archive of political materials and ephemera:
The Slavery Subject Guide
A guide to the libraries’ archives about slavery from the Institute of Commonwealth
Studies (ICOMM):
University of London Caribbean Postgraduate Seminar Papers
Numerous papers by leading Caribbeanist scholars given at the Caribbean
Postgraduate Seminar series between the 1980s and 90s at ICOMM and ILAS:
University of London Theses
Numerous caribbean focused Phd and Masters theses undertaken at UoL: