Publishing in the Bithell Series of Dissertations

Launched in 1978 by the then Institute of Germanic Studies, the Bithell Series of Dissertations is designed to help young scholars publish recent work of high quality which has been accepted for the award of a research degree by a University in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland. Among authors whose dissertations have appeared in the series are Sarah Bowden, Peter Davies, Brigid Haines, Kevin Hilliard, Nicholas Saul, and Andrew Webber.
The series currently runs to 50 volumes (volumes 14 to 41 were published in conjunction with the MHRA's 'Texts and Dissertations' series). As the series is sponsored by the Bithell Bequest Fund, no subvention is required from the author.
Dissertations for possible inclusion in the series are considered by the Bithell Editorial Board. Recommendations for dissertations to be considered should be made by the supervisor and/or examiner(s) and should normally be made within one year of the PhD/DPhil being awarded. Invitations to submit recommendations are circulated on the German-Studies and WIGS-Forum Jiscmail lists.
Recommendations should be sent to reach Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex, Chair of the Bithell Editorial Board at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London. Proposals must be accompanied by a copy of the Examiners' Report and Abstract.
Bithell Editorial Board Members: Professor Judith Beniston (University College London); Professor Laura Bradley (University of Edinburgh); Professor Charles Burdett (ILCS Director - ex officio); Professor Sarah Colvin (University of Cambridge); Dr Steffan Davies (University of Bristol); Professor Angus Nicholls (Queen Mary, University of London); Dr Anne Simon (ILCS - Series Editor); Professor Godela Weiss-Sussex (ILCS - Chair).