Contemporary Women’s Writing and the Medical Humanities – seminar 3

Death and Mourning

Speakers: Jordan McCullough (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Parenting the Deceased Child in Sophie Daull’s Camille, mon envolée (2015)’

Tamarin Norwood (Loughborough): ‘Something from Nothing? Constructing a narrative when a baby dies at birth’ Cristina Robu (Indiana): ‘Mourning the Living’

Chaired by Becky Rosenberg (KCL) and Benjamin Dalton (Paris Nanterre)

Author: School of Advanced Study

Speaker(s): Jordan McCullough (Queen’s University Belfast,Tamarin Norwood (Loughborough),Cristina Robu (Indiana), Becky Rosenberg (KCL) and Benjamin Dalton (Paris Nanterre)

Organisations: Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Event date: Tuesday, 20 October 2020 - 5:00pm