
Till Breyer is a Researcher and Lecturer in German Studies at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. He currently works on literary representations of asylum and refuge in Early Modern Literature. In 2021-22, Till Breyer was Walter-Benjamin-Fellow at the CIELAM Institute at Aix-Marseille-Université, France. He has published articles on Exile History such as ‘Asyl als Schwelle. Historische Skizze zu einem politischen Begriff' (Merkur, 2023) and 'Passagen der Identität. Der Ort der Staatenlosen bei Irmgard Keun, Ruth Feiner und Anna Seghers' (Sprache und Literatur, 2024). Recent publications also include the edited collection Literatur und Ideologie (with Mareike Schildmann) and his PhD thesis Chiffren des Sozialen. Politische Ökonomie und die Literatur des Realismus (Wallstein, 2019). During his tenure of the Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Fellowship at the Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies, he will work on exiled authors and intellectuals who fled to England during World War II such as Paul Tabori and Fritz Gross. At the same time, a broader focus lies on the long history of England as a place of refuge for European migrants and religious refugees since the 17th century.