Souzana Mizan
Visiting Research Fellow (CLACS)
March–June 2024
Souzana Mizan is Professor of English Language and Literature in the Language Department of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and in the Postgraduate Program in Languages of the same institution. She holds degrees in Education and Languages – Greek from the University of Tel-Aviv (1992), a Master's (2005), a doctorate (2011) and a post-doctorate (2016) in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English from the University of São Paulo (USP). She participates in the National Literacy Project – Cycle 3: Languages, Literacy and Decoloniality (2021-26), based at USP and led by Professor Ana Paula Duboc and Professor Daniel Ferraz. She has experience in the field of language, with an emphasis on Foreign Languages, mainly in the following topics: language education, literacies (visual, critical, digital), multimodality, critical pedagogy, digital colonialism and epistemologies of the Global South.