
Adina Balint is Professor of French literature at the University of Winnipeg, Canada. Her research examines the self-other relations and representations related to the process of literary and artistic creation (Le processus de création dans l’œuvre de J.M.G. Le Clézio, Brill, 2016), mobility and the dynamics of power (Imaginaires et représentations littéraires de la mobilité, Lang, 2020), transculturalism and experiences of marginalization (Rencontre des imaginaires, imaginaires transculturels au Canada et dans les Amériques, [co-dir.], Presses universitaires de Saint-Boniface, 2018). She is currently working on a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-funded project entitled ‘Poétique et enjeux du quotidien dans la littérature contemporaine au Québec et en France’. Her research at the Institute is part of a scholarly book on representations of everyday life in contemporary literature.