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Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Peace Producing Science: Biological Expeditions in the Replacement of War  

Speaker: Carolina Angel Botero (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia) 

After the signature of the peace treaty with the FARC guerrilla [Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia: the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia], the Colombian government ended a 60-year conflict with one of the oldest guerrilla movements in the world. Alongside the signature of the peace treaty began a national project to conduct biological inventories of species through a series of expeditions called "Colombia Bio". The idea behind these expeditions is to explore and register biodiversity in places formerly occupied by the FARC. This talk recounts my experience accompanying five of these expeditions as an anthropologist. My interest has been to understand the relationship between science and peace as they are specifically enacted in the post-conflict moment. More specifically, I aim to explore how concepts of biodiversity and transitional justice become intertwined in this particular scenario, with materially significant consequences.  

Seminar Programme

Autumn Term 2021
28 October 2021 (Inaugural session) 
11 November 2021  
25 November 2021  
9 December 2021 
Winter Term 2022  
3 February 2022  
17 February 2022  
3 March 2022  
17 March 2022 

All are welcome to attend this free seminar, which starts at 17:00 GMT

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