Friday 7 May 2021

Women in Transition

Those who missed the CCWW-sponsored conference held in September 2018 at King’s College London and St Peter’s College, Oxford, will be interested in the volume that was published on 7 May 2021. Entitled Women in Transition. Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Borders, the volume is edited by Maria-José Blanco and Claire Williams. The essays by scholars, students and writers as well as artists from around the world connect different cultures and genres, emphasizing the links that unite and bind women together rather than those which separate them. By focusing on the theme of ‘transition’ in women’s lives, the authors present research on women who have crossed biological, geopolitical and political borders as well as emotional, sexual, cultural and linguistic boundaries. The chapters consider the ways in which the changes and transitions undergone by women influence the world we live in, how crossing borders impacts on identity and belonging, and examine the crossing of boundaries in the context of motherhood as well as sexual orientation.

Contributors: Diana Aramburu (Davis, California); Marta Arnaldi (University of Oxford); Maria-José Blanco (King’s College London); Suzan Bozkurt (independent scholar, UK); Sandra Daroczi (University of Bath); Tuna Erdem (performing artist, UK); Seda Ergul (performing artist, UK); Adalgisa Giorgio (University of Bath); Anna Johnson (author, UK); Indrani Karmakar (Rhodes University, S. Africa); Mònica Rovira (filmmaker, Spain); Edward Scrivens (University of Oxford); Marcia Thompson (artist, UK); Claire Williams (University of Oxford), Feifei Zhan (SOAS, London).

Women in Transition. Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Borders (ISBN 9780367443061; 238pp/24 b/w illustrations) is published by Routledge in the series 'Studies in Comparative Literature', and is available as a hardback and ebook.