Monday 24 January 2022

With great sadness, the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies at the IMLR announces the passing on 17 January 2022 of their friend and long-serving colleague, Richard Dove.

Professor Richard Dove was Emeritus Professor of German at the University of Greenwich. His research interests centred on Expressionism, German and Austrian exile in Britain and theatre in exile. His many publications, of which several appeared in German editions, include He was a German. A Biography of Ernst Toller (London, 1990); Journey of No Return: Five German-speaking Literary Exiles in London 1933-45 (London, 2000); [edited with an introduction] Die Reise nach Deutschland von Karl Otten (New York/Berne, 2000); [with M. Bearman et al.] Wien-London, Hin und Retour: Das Austrian Centre in London 1939 bis 1947 (Vienna, 2004); [edited] Totally un-English? Britain’s Internment of Enemy Aliens in Two World Wars (Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, 2005); ‘“Im Vertrauen auf Ihre Einfühlungsgabe …”: Karl Otten, Heinz Schöffler und die Neuentdeckung des literarischen Expressionismus in Deutschland’ (Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft, 2006); [with C. Brinson] Politics by Other Means. The Free German League of Culture in London 1939-1946 (London 2010); [with C. Brinson] A Matter of Intelligence. MI5 and the Surveillance of Anti-Nazi Refugees (Manchester, 2014); Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960 (Cambridge, 2017).

A commemorative event will be held on 2 March 2022, further details to be confirmed.