22 October 2024

Street scene

The Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies (ILCS) has launched a new postgraduate course, MA in Languages and Cultures Across Borders, which offers a fresh perspective on modern language learning. 

The degree will enable applicants to continue honing their language skills, while also learning and exploring contemporary and cultural contexts, enabling effective communication across borders. 

This MA approaches modern languages in imaginative and relevant ways and will also address relevant current issues such as global migration and displacement, cultural memory, human societies and their environments, and many more.

Director of the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, Professor Charles Burdett, said: 

‘The new MA is a hugely exciting venture. It represents the strength of the desire of staff in Modern Languages across the federation to work together and use the depth of their expertise to offer a programme of study that no single institute can provide. 

It will give students insights into an extremely extensive range of linguistic and cultural practices while being explicitly angled to demonstrate the applied nature of critical and creative thinking. The innovative nature of the collaborations behind the MA is of national significance in pointing to how Modern Languages departments can build joint initiatives that sustain the disciplinary field.’

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