The collections are open to researchers from the University of London and other organisations, as well as bona fide independent researchers. A complete online catalogue is currently being compiled but, at the present time, not all material has been added.

To search collections that have been included in the online Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue, click here.

For all other collections, it is necessary to consult hand- or box-lists, and readers should send enquiries either to the University Archivist well in advance of any planned visit. Enquiries relating to the exile archives should be addressed to the Miller Archivist. Researchers should apply to consult material at least 48 hours in advance by letter, facsimile, email or telephone but, the more notice that can be given, the better. The enquiry should include the name of the researcher, contact details including email and telephone number, date and time for consultation, as well as a clear and concise idea of the nature of the enquiry.

Researchers are requested to handle the documents with care, not to take them out of any special housing such as transparent polythene sleeves, and to use a soft lead pencil for taking notes. Photocopies may be made at the discretion of the Librarian, and dependent on the nature and condition of the material. Copies are charged for. Other reprographic methods may be called upon, but out-of-house arrangements may need to be made, for which the researcher must bear the full charge. An estimate of the costs will be supplied in advance.

These measures are required for the physical preservation of the (often) fragile primary source material. Readers' co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Person Index   Institution Index

Searching the Archives

Person and Institution Index Terms used in the catalogues of the IMLR archives

To search using these terms, go to the Advanced Search page of the online catalogue and enter the search term in the Person / Institution field. Usually just the first part of the name will suffice to bring up a list of existing terms from which a selection can be made. (These lists include preferred and non-preferred search terms, so some entities are represented multiple times.)

If the search does not yield any results, please contact the Miller Archivist ( for further information.