Some of the Institute's research students, who have recently completed their doctoral dissertations. Completion date is given in brackets, together with the topic of the dissertation.


Federico Filauri (2024)
Topic: Ernst Bloch's Messianism: The Inheritance of a Theological Trope and its Political-Philosophical Significance

Carlos Piccone Camere (2023)
Topic: Beyond the Bulls: The Life and Afterlives of St Francisco Solano. Unravelling the First Canonisation Process in the New World

Jack Arscott (2023)
Topic: Treading a Fine Line: Enlightened Patriotism in Practice in the Left-Wing Journalism of the Weimar Republic

Mario Graña (2023)
Topic: Nueva Toledo on Display: The Politics, Theatre and Paperwork of Making War on the Chiriguanaes through the Punitive Expeditions of Almendras, Toledo and Lozano Machuca (1564-1586)

Francielle Carpenado (2021)
Topic: Social media Languages, Authenticities and Affordances: Brazilian Food Discourses in the UK

Angharad Mountford (2020)
Topic: The Female German Exile in Post-War London

Stephanie Homer (2020)
Topic: Issues of Trauma, Identity and Postmemory in Kindertransport Fiction
Freelance Researcher and Editor

Sharon Baker (2020)
Topic: From Satire to Silence: Hans Ssachs' Commentary on Civic Decline
Sylvia Naish Visiting Fellow (2021-22)

Nicola Sayers (2016)
Topic: Suburban Nostalgia, Hope and Longing in Contemporary American Literature and Culture: A Blochean Perspective
Freelance Researcher

Steven Jefferson (2016)
Topic: Forgetting Cultural Memory: Shifting Representations of the Expulsion of Ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe after 1945
Freelance Researcher/Lecturer

Jana Buresova (2015)
Topic: The Dynamics of Forced Female Migration from Czechoslovakia to Britain, 1938-1950
Freelance Researcher/Lecturer

Arnhilt Höffle (2014)
Topic: The Reception History of Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) in the Chinese-Speaking World
Erwin Schrödinger Fellow (Berkeley/Hamburg)

Jochen Hung (2012)
Topic: The Newspaper Tempo and the End of the Weimar Republic
Lecturer (University of Utrecht)

Raymond C. Coffer (2011)
Topic: The Relationship of Richard Gerstl and Arnold Schönberg (1906-1908) and its Impact on the Artistic Works

Isabel Schropper (2010)
Topic: Austrian Female Migration to Britain, 1945-1960
Teacher (Jüdisches Berufliches Bildungszentrum, Vienna)

Stefan Stadthaus (2010)
Topic: 'Deutsche Jugend wohin?' Eine Untersuchung des Generationsdiskurses nach dem 2. Weltkrieg der 'jungen Generation'


Zachary Eastop (2021)
Dissertation: Adapting Panurge

Haiyun Liu (2021)
Latin American Studies

Roberto León Miranda (2021)
Dissertation: Representations of the 'Insider' and the 'Outsider' in Belle Epoque Paris: Lautrec, Maupassant and Daudet

Katherine Ferrufino (2018)
Dissertation: Education Policy and Practice: Guarani Language in Paraguay and Bolivia post-1992

Margaret May (2018)
Dissertation: Objects and Jewish Identity in Fictional Works by Georg Hermann, Barbara Honigmann and Katja Petrowskaja

Stephanie Homer (2016)
Dissertation: How Do Hilde Spiel, Elisabeth Castonier, and Judith Kerr Redefine the Gendered Concept of Heimat in their Autobiographical Fiction?