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This session will focus on the process of requesting permission to reproduce extracts of books of fiction or poetry for academic publications. It will cover:

1. Who owns the rights and who to seek out for them; 
2. How to prepare a copyright request; 
3. What to expect from the copyright request process; 
4. How long to expect to hear from the publishers/authors; 
5. Will you be expected to pay? If so, how much?; 
6. How to acknowledge/credit copyright holders in your book’s copyright page; 
7. What is considered fair dealing or fair use. 

This session will be particularly relevant for first-time authors seeking to understand the meanders of copyright permission.

Session Leader: Dr Enaiê Azambuja (ILCS)

All welcome

This event is free to attend, but booking is required. It will be held online with details about how to join the virtual event being circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance.