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Organised by the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

This half-day symposium on feminist translation in practice will bring together researchers, practitioners, translators, students and theatre-makers to exchange ideas and ways of working. It emerges from current research in the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the Institute of Languages Cultures and Societies and seeks to create connections to work in other languages and disciplines. 

The sessions include dialogues between researchers and practitioners and between authors and translators, with input from authors in Uruguay and Brazil. The aim to explore how feminist translation practices have an impact on how translators produce new translations, and how these practices can be extended to transform ways of working with others when it comes to publishing a text, or staging a translated play. This event aims to showcase how collaborations between authors and translators can transform and strengthen transnational feminist networks, provide the basis for creating networks for sharing feminist understanding through texts and develop methodologies for co-creation and exchanging critical ideas. 

Event organisers: Sophie Stevens and Jamille Pinheiro Dias. Please contact Sophie Stevens if you have any questions or queries.
The event is hosted by the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the Institute for Languages, Cultures and Societies and is supported by funding from the Convocation Trust and The John Coffin Memorial Fund. 


13.30 - 14.00     Registration

14.00 - 16.00     Workshop: Practising Feminist Translation in Theatre led by theatre practitioner and translator Fran Olivares and researcher and translator Sophie Stevens.
This workshop will explore strategies for creating feminist translation practices which begin with working with a text and extend to embodying it for performance; we will explore how these practices can inform and transform the collaborative work of theatre-making.

Coffee break

16.30 - 17.45 Roundtable (Hybrid format): How do feminist translation practices disrupt hierarchies of power in publishing?
Speakers: Jamille Pinheiro Dias, Sheyla Miranda and Francesca Cricelli
Response by Olga Castro
Moderated by Sophie Stevens
Interpretation by Ana Torre

*18.00 - 19.15     Feminist Theatre Translation in Practice: Readings, Dialogue and Collaboration
This session presents a reading of an extract from Terrorismo Emocional by Uruguayan dramatist Josefina Trías and a dramatized reading of the same extract in English in a new translation by Sophie Stevens, directed by Fran Olivares. This will be followed by a dialogue between author, translator, and director, chaired by literary translator Rosalind Harvey

19.15 - 20.00     Close and Reception

Programme (pdf)

To register for the symposium please click on the ‘Book now’ button at the top of the page. When registering please select ‘In person’ OR if would like to attend only the Roundtable (online) select ‘Roundtable only online’. Zoom details for the Roundtable will be sent the day before the event. Please check your spam/junk folder as the email can sometimes be found there.

Please click here if you wish to register to attend only the evening reading beginning 18:00 *'Feminist Theatre Translation in Practice: Readings, Dialogue and Collaboration 

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