Encounters Logo

London, 25 February 2019

This Encounter featured Barbara Honigmann who read from her latest book Georg (Hanser, January 2019), in which she tells her father’s story, and Judith Köhler, a graphic designer/translator who is currently translating passages from the novel.

Barbara Honigmann with (left) Judith Köhler. (Photograph: Godela Weiss-Sussex)

Barbara Honigmann holds a special place among the German-Language language writers of the post-war generation. The daughter of German-Jewish exiles to Britain, Honigmann was born in 1949 in East Berlin. She began her career as a theatre director and writer in the GDR and, in 1984, moved to Strasbourg, where she continues to write in German. In multi-layered, autobiographically inspired books she engages with the complex subjectivity of her Jewishness, her rootedness in German language and literature, and her life in France, as mother, artist, and member of various intersecting communities.

Judith Köhler, is a graphic designer, currently completing her second degree, in architecture, at the Technical University of Vienna. Brought up bilingually, she has extensive experience of working between German and English, and has recently translated a chapter of Eyal Weizmann’s Forensic Architecture into German.

This event was sponsored by the Keith Spalding Bequest
