Antonella Anedda and Jamie McKendrick
London, 21 October 2015
Poet and essayist Antonella Anedda Anjoy was born in Rome to a Sardinian family. She studied in Rome and Venice, and received a degree in the History of Modern Art. Anedda's work comprises poems and essays, as well as translations, primarily of poetry (including authors such as Ovid, St John Perse, Philippe Jaccottet, and Jamie McKendrick). Her own poems have been included in several anthologies, both Italian and foreign. The collection Notti de pace occidentale won her the Eugenio Montale Prize in 2000, whilst her 2012 anthology, Salva con nome received the Viareggio-Repaci Prize. Her latest book, Isolatria-Viaggio nell' Arcipelago della Maddalena, was published by Laterza in 2013. Anedda teaches at the University of Lugano, Switzerland.
Jamie McKendrick, translator and poet, was born in Liverpool, and has taught at the University of Salerno, Italy. He is the author of five collections of poetry: The Sirocco Room (1991), The Kiosk on the Brink (1993), The Marble Fly (1997), Ink Stone (2003), and Crocodiles and Obelisks (2007). The Marble Fly won the Forward Poetry Prize for the best poetry collection of the year and was selected the Poetry Book Society's Choice. Ink Stone was shortlisted for the 2003 T.S. Eliot Prize and the Whitbread Poetry Award, and Crocodiles and Obelisks for the Forward Prize. A selection of McKendrick's poems was published as Sky Nails: Poems 1979-1997 in 2000, and he is editor of 20th-Century Italian Poems, which appeared in 2004. His translations of Valerio Magrelli's poetry were published in 2009 and the collection Out There appeared in 2012, both by Faber and Faber.
This event was organised together with the British Italian Society