Friends of Italian

The Friends of Italian were founded in 2005 to promote activities appealing to both scholars working in the field and the wider Italian-speaking community. The climate today in the study of modern foreign languages means that Institutes rely increasingly on the goodwill of their Friends, and the very significant contribution they make, to support those activities which are beyond the means of their modest budgets.
We aim to build a fund large enough to enable the award of bursaries to students registered for research degrees in Italian studies at the Institute, and so provide much-needed assistance to individuals facing the high cost of studying in the capital. Such donations will, in the longer term, contribute to the survival of advanced study in the field of Italian.
Friends are encouraged to participate in all Institute events, as well as in special activities such as the private viewing of the Courtauld Gallery’s rare Italian prints and drawings. As a token of appreciation for their support, Friends receive invitations to special lectures and preferential rates when attending conferences.
The Estorick Collection offers reduced entry, and there are discounts at its shop and at the Italian Bookshop in Cecil Court. This support is gratefully acknowledged and we hope that, by becoming a Friend, you will join us in furthering the appreciation and understanding of Italian culture in this country.
Joining the Friends of Italian
You can join the Friends of Italian on an annual or lifetime basis.
Individuals may become Friends for as little as £20 per year (student rate:£10). Friends contributing £250 or more are styled Patrons.Corporate Friendship starts at £250 per year. Corporate Friends making a single payment of £1,000 or more are styled Corporate Patrons.
Tax-effective Giving. If you pay tax in the UK, Gift Aid is an easy way to increase the value of your gift, enabling us to reclaim tax at the basic rate (currently 20%) on the amount paid, at no extra cost to the donor. Companies taxed in the UK can claim relief on their donations.
The University of London is an Exempt Charity within the meaning of Schedule 2 of the Charities Act 1993 and as such is a charity within the meaning of Section 506(1) of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act (ICTA) 1988.
For further information, please contact Dr Katia Pizzi at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU (email:; tel: + 44 (0)20 7862 8962).