Alliance of Modern Languages, Area Studies and Linguistics Subject Associations UK

AMLUK was set up in 2015 as an informal grouping of Heads of Modern Languages, Area Studies and Linguistics subject associations to share information and strategies. It has held its annual meetings at ILCS since February 2015.

In April 2020 AMLUK was established as a Special Interest Group of the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML). The Group’s aim is to bring together these disciplinary fields more formally to explore common ground, with a particular focus on research strategy, identity and delivery.

A primary function of this group is to keep channels of communication open across the three disciplinary fields, developing the capacity to participate in research strategy discussions across the UK and Ireland in a coherent way. The group is administered by the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies and chaired by the ILCS Director with support from UCML.

ILCS Director


ABIL (Association of British & Irish Lusitanists)
AFLS (Association for French Language Studies)
AGS (Association for German Studies)
AHGBI (Association of Hispanists of Great Britain & Ireland)
ASMCF (Association for the Study of Modern & Contemporary France)
AULC (Association of University Language Communities in the UK and Ireland)
AUPHF+ (Association of University Professors & Heads of French)
BA (British Academy)
BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics)
BACS (British Association for Chinese Studies)
BAJS (British Association for Japanese Studies)
BASEES (British Association for Slavonic & E European Studies)
BRISMES (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies)
CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
ILCS (Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies)
LAGB (Linguistics Association of Great Britain)
MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association
Philological Society
Scandinavian Studies
SFS (Society for French Studies)
SIS (Society for Italian Studies)
SLAS (Society for Latin American Studies)
UCGAL (University Council of General & Applied Linguistics)
UCFL (University Council For Languages)
UKCASA (United Kingdom Council for Area Studies)